Stand on His ground

Scriptural Readings: Matthew 24:6-8,13-14 King James Version Matthew 24 v.6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all [these things] must come to pass, but the end is not yet. v.7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be… Continue reading Stand on His ground

Categorized as Faith

It is all about intentions

Scriptural Readings: Acts 13:2, James 4:8, Matthew 22: 36-40 Intention is all about planning including our feelings and all those sorts of things that we want. True enough we considered a lot of things arriving from these intentions. Considering the things and the time we gave and went through with these intentions as Christians, the… Continue reading It is all about intentions

Categorized as Faith

Where are we in here?

Scriptural Readings: John 8:3-11,15 As Christians our spiritual status is of utmost importance. In our Christian life our faith should not be hanging on a thin line. It should be anchored on a strong foundation. Our faith plays one of the biggest part in our spiritual life. Once we compromise it we let and give… Continue reading Where are we in here?

Categorized as Faith

Why faith not feelings.

Scriptural Readings: Mark 10:37; Matthew 16:22-23; Luke 23:39-42; Luke 17:11-14; Maybe at this point of time for most of us are having difficulties how to deal with our lives, whether we are struggling with personal problems or dealing with the world problems, our feelings still dictate a lot of things to us. Sadness, boredom are… Continue reading Why faith not feelings.

Categorized as Faith

…deliver us from…Amen!

Scriptural Reading: 2 Chronicles 7:14 It is not that I am compelled with my feelings to share this but rather have this thing that God wants us to know. Currently we are now facing a predicament with a virus that cannot be stopped and it is found everywhere in this world and to make mention… Continue reading …deliver us from…Amen!

Categorized as Faith

Make us…Do it.

Scriptural Readings: Luke 22:62; Matthew 16:22-23 There is this built in thing in us called defeat. This thing is not really new for most of us. When we face problems, we also have this anticipating attitude of a lost battle. This is one attitude that we should lose. What really matters even when we lose… Continue reading Make us…Do it.

Categorized as Faith

From faith to feelings

Scriptural Readings: John 20:24-29 Feelings are attached to our lives. It is a part of us. We cannot be detached from them. The problem is sometimes we are too dependent on them or in some cases we juggle our faith with our feelings. This should not be the case. We should put into our whole… Continue reading From faith to feelings

Categorized as Faith

It was right there from the start…the beginning.

Scriptural Readings: Genesis 1:1; John 1:3; I John 2:1-2, In the beginning [God] (created the heaven and the earth). In the beginning [was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God]. The same was in the beginning with God. (All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made). I would… Continue reading It was right there from the start…the beginning.

Categorized as Faith