Scriptural Readings: I Peter 3:12
We should always be responsible with the things that we do. Right? It is not easy to live and to please people around us. Even the things that seem to be good for them, actually they aren’t. Living in complicated world is not easy and dealing with other people is another thing that we have to do in our daily course of life.
For the eyes of the Lord [are] over the righteous,
One thing that we have to do is to make sure that God is in control of us or to put in simple terms we should be following His instructions. His eyes are on us because God will make sure that we will accomplish His will. It is very clear that God will definitely and continuously to work on us. For us to be righteous is God’s job. Sanctification starts if we continue to humble ourselves.
Submission of our outer man, our body and soul, should be constantly dealt. There are things that God has to change and make things better for us. This is the part of being righteous to Him.
and his ears [are open] unto their prayers
Once God starts to change us, we are definitely going to communicate with Him. It may be unpleasant(most of the time) and sometimes very pleasant. This is also the time that we can have the relationship that we are longing for. His ears are open to our prayers. We have to be fully aware of what is happening and has to happen. We have to claim the blessings and instructions all at the same time.
One thing that we have to do is also to be patient. Changing us or transforming us may take time. It will now all depend on us. If we are willing to be submissive all the time, then God can work on us in a quick manner and for our part, His ears are open to our prayers. We should always have this prayerful attitude.
but the face of the Lord [is] against them that do evil.
One thing that we have to do in order to have a continuous and wonderful fellowship with our God is not to do things that are against His will. If we continue on the other hand with our former status of doing evil works, then God will not do any iota of thing in changing us and we know that this thing happens when we feel that we are not going anywhere. There is no spiritual growth in us and we cannot enjoy the fellowship, the Father and children relationship, the true meaning of happiness.
It seems though that this one thing that we have to do turn out to be a lot of things for us to do. Right? The truth is that all of these things can only be done by God. It may require us of a lot of one thing we have to do but the bottom line is that God is still the One who will make it possible for us. Our faith in His Son Jesus our Lord and Savior will make it all happen. Through Jesus, He can make use(control) of our lives. Through Jesus, we can acquire patient. Through Jesus, we are protected from evil things. One thing that we have to do…Trust Jesus Christ.
Our Father in Heaven, It is very difficult for us to get rid of the things that we hold on to in our lives as we get to know You better. This is one thing that we have to do. Thank you for your Son Jesus who will do this for us. Thank You for Your Holy Spirit who continually comfort us as You transform us and to be righteous in your sight. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.