What is there on top?

Scriptural Readings: Proverbs 16:5; Proverbs 16:8 Acts 12:20 -23; Philippians 2:5-11

What is it to be on top? On top of what? Career? Financial status? Of our problems? Whatever these things that we are extremely thrilled about or completely blank on what to do, we have to be very careful with all our actions. This may cause our fall or maybe one more step higher.

Proverbs 16:5 Every one [that is] proud in heart [is] an abomination to the LORD: [though] hand [join] in hand, he shall not be unpunished.

Proverbs 16:18 Pride [goeth] before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.

Acts 12:20-23

v.20 And Herod was highly displeased with them of Tyre and Sidon: but they came with one accord to him, and, having made Blastus the king’s chamberlain their friend, desired peace; because their country was nourished by the king’s [country].

v.21 And upon a set day Herod, arrayed in royal apparel, sat upon his throne, and made an oration unto them.

v.22 And the people gave a shout, [saying, It is] the voice of a god, and not of a man.

v.23 And immediately the angel of the Lord smote him, because he gave not God the glory: and he was eaten of worms, and gave up the ghost.

When we think that we are on top of everything, we have a lot of things to deal with. Our whole being is always at stake most specially when we accomplished something and we are being praised. Our ego might be bloated and if we lost control of ourselves, disaster might follow next. It is impossible for us to know exactly what to be on top of everything.

When we were born, there is no way that we can see our future. It cannot be possible that we know everything from controlling our feelings to being knowledgeable from being above of everything. Being on top is something that has to be experienced coming from down below and therefore an experience is needed, a necessity for us to work on to reach what is on top and above.

Philippians 2:5-11

v.5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:

v.6 Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:

v.7 But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:

v.8 And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.

v.9 Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name:

v.10 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of [things] in heaven, and [things] in earth, and [things] under the earth;

v.11 And [that] every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ [is] Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

From heaven He came down. What else can we say about it. A God from above us and who is on top of everything went down, has to suffer and die just to show us what is our real situation and where we are heading to down here and here we are trying to say that we know better of what is being on top of everything!

Our Lord Jesus is on top of everything. From the moment that we get into a lot of troubles. He will rescue us.This is exactly what is to be on top of everything. One thing that we can never know fully. To trust Him every second of life should be our status. It is a must that we install in our lives the faith and trust that will never fail that we can only find in Jesus Christ.

The greatest gift that we ever had is our salvation. This was the first thing that God had in His plan when we failed Him. Being a loving God and Father to us the only thing in His omniscience is to prevent us from entering hell. Our whole being is made up of things that can never be trusted even we know we think that we are on top of things. Our possessions, family and even our own time are things that only God can handle perfectly for us through Jesus Christ. We can never be on top and above of these things. Never. Never even a second in our life time or even a second life term. Again never.

Heavenly Father, we praise and glorify You! We can never be on top of anything for You are always above us. One thing impossible to happen is that we can run our lives without you. Thank you Jesus for being our Lord and savior. Thank You for saving us. Thank You for all the things that you have given us that we can never have. In your mighty name we pray. Amen.

It's plain and simple..How can we miss it.

Scriptural Readings: III John 1:11

Wonderful things happen everyday. The sad thing is that we completely missed out all these things because we are too busy on things we do. One reason that we should appreciate these things around us is that God is telling us something. We could be serious with our relationship with God but sometimes we miss the whole point what God is telling us because we have something else besides God’s will. God communicates with us in many ways and that is why we should be having a prayerful life.

We always need guidance. Just as we know that our children need our guidance and so does our Father in Heaven to us.

John 10:27
My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.

Even if we do the best we can in our spiritual lives we still end up lost and struggling for the truth.

III John 1:11 Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is good. He that doeth good is of God: but he that doeth evil hath not seen God.

The reason that sometimes we are lost is that we succumb to our evil desires. The instruction is plain and simple. We have to follow that which is good. The whole year through is filled up with things that would entice or attract us to do evil things. We all know that we are always attracted and enticed with evil desires and if this thing happened, we lose the voice that is guiding us. Again the passage tells us that we have the knowledge and we know exactly by heart that which is evil and these things which are of evil in nature is the exact opposite of that which is good and he that do good things is of God.

So in other words, if we follow that which is evil, we have not seen God and this also means that we are at a lost and to follow that which is good is of God. Plain and simple.

Our God is a loving God. Our Father in Heaven loves to bless us. Jesus our Lord and savior is always there on the right hand of our Father for us and the Holy Spirit never let us down and comforts us always. It is plain and simple, it is impossible to miss a simple and plain instruction…. to follow that which is good. How can we miss it.

It was right there from the start…the beginning.

Scriptural Readings: Genesis 1:1John 1:3; I John 2:1-2,

In the beginning [God] (created the heaven and the earth).

In the beginning [was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God]. The same was in the beginning with God. (All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made).

I would say most Christians know these verses. The first verse is Genesis 1:1, while the second verse is from John 1:3

Philippians 1:6 I am sure of this, that He who started a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

One question I think that we should ask ourselves is what is the significance of having things created in the beginning? Why did God create these things including us? He has a purpose of course and a lot of them I guess. Right?

If God created us in His own image that means our lives are precious to Him. We humans are so precious to Him. Right? It is from the beginning or it is right there from the start that because of His exceeding love that we came into being. No exceptions!

v.1  My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous:

Yes, we were cut off from what is perfect. His perfect love for us! It would have been a perfect start from the beginning and a perfect ending for us but we interrupted it. It was also right there from the start and from the beginning that He already made a way that we can go back to Him.

v.2 And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for [the sins of] the whole world.

Yes, it was right there from the start, from the beginning that we are destined to live in harmony with God. And it is not yet late. God Through His son Jesus Christ sees us as co heir. We do not have to wonder far from where we are now or what we have been through and what has become of us now.

(New International Version)

v.24 As for you, see that what you have heard from the beginning remains in you. If it does, you also will remain in the Son and in the Father.

v.25 And this is what He promised us—eternal life.

God always gives us a fresh start. It is always in the beginning that God tells us to be very careful. We should see to it that we should be having a good start and we will definitely end up with what God expects from us and be rewarded, a promise right from the start…from the beginning—an eternal life.

Father God, we are so much thankful for your exceeding love for us. We can never be right in your sight but you did something for us to be right again. Thank you for giving us your Son Jesus so we can reach out to you. We need your grace and blessings. These things can never happen apart from your Son Jesus our Lord and Savior. Help us to always remember that you have loved us first, right there from the start… from the beginning. In Jesus precious name we pray. Amen.

One thing that we have to do…

Scriptural Readings: I Peter 3:12

We should always be responsible with the things that we do. Right? It is not easy to live and to please people around us. Even the things that seem to be good for them, actually they aren’t. Living in complicated world is not easy and dealing with other people is another thing that we have to do in our daily course of life.

For the eyes of the Lord [are] over the righteous,

One thing that we have to do is to make sure that God is in control of us or to put in simple terms we should be following His instructions. His eyes are on us because God will make sure that we will accomplish His will. It is very clear that God will definitely and continuously to work on us. For us to be righteous is God’s job. Sanctification starts if we continue to humble ourselves.

Submission of our outer man, our body and soul, should be constantly dealt. There are things that God has to change and make things better for us. This is the part of being righteous to Him.

and his ears [are open] unto their prayers

Once God starts to change us, we are definitely going to communicate with Him. It may be unpleasant(most of the time) and sometimes very pleasant. This is also the time that we can have the relationship that we are longing for. His ears are open to our prayers. We have to be fully aware of what is happening and has to happen. We have to claim the blessings and instructions all at the same time.

One thing that we have to do is also to be patient. Changing us or transforming us may take time. It will now all depend on us. If we are willing to be submissive all the time, then God can work on us in a quick manner and for our part, His ears are open to our prayers. We should always have this prayerful attitude.

but the face of the Lord [is] against them that do evil.

One thing that we have to do in order to have a continuous and wonderful fellowship with our God is not to do things that are against His will. If we continue on the other hand with our former status of doing evil works, then God will not do any iota of thing in changing us and we know that this thing happens when we feel that we are not going anywhere. There is no spiritual growth in us and we cannot enjoy the fellowship, the Father and children relationship, the true meaning of happiness.

It seems though that this one thing that we have to do turn out to be a lot of things for us to do. Right? The truth is that all of these things can only be done by God. It may require us of a lot of one thing we have to do but the bottom line is that God is still the One who will make it possible for us. Our faith in His Son Jesus our Lord and Savior will make it all happen. Through Jesus, He can make use(control) of our lives. Through Jesus, we can acquire patient. Through Jesus, we are protected from evil things. One thing that we have to do…Trust Jesus Christ.

Our Father in Heaven, It is very difficult for us to get rid of the things that we hold on to in our lives as we get to know You better. This is one thing that we have to do. Thank you for your Son Jesus who will do this for us. Thank You for Your Holy Spirit who continually comfort us as You transform us and to be righteous in your sight. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

It has to be Your way…not mine.

Scriptural Readings: Matthew 6:10; Matthew 18:18-19

Are we doing the right things? Are we in total control of our lives? Are we totally, perfectly on top of the things that we currently doing?There are many things how we can check things. The question is… Is it God’s will?

Beautiful landscape
Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as [it is] in heaven.

It all starts with our ideas. Right? When we start our day we plan everything. We do not want things unorganized. There is nothing wrong with it. As a matter of fact, it has to be this way otherwise there will be a lot of difficulties for us.

When God created us, He has things for us to do. It wasn’t difficult though for us to do because He was there. The important thing here to see is the relationship. The primary reason that we were created is because God wants to have children. That’s us!

Peter and his brother Andrew were doing their job of earning for a living as fishermen when the Lord Jesus asked them to join Him. In the same manner, James and his brother John were also busy taking care of their everyday manner of earning for a living tending their nets when Jesus called them and they even left their dad!

Matthew was also working sitting in a collectors booth collecting tax, doing his daily routine when Jesus called him,

The apostle Paul was on his way to persecute a lot of Christians. One thing for sure is that he has plan for this. He was organized in his mind, in his work. On that particular day he met Jesus.

There is one thing in common about these people. Their attention is fully focused on what they are doing. Now, sometimes God is taking our attention(most of the time we ignore it). We are too much focused on what we are doing that we forget that God has also something for us to do.

Matthew 6:10

v. 10 Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as [it is] in heaven.

Why did Jesus tell us that it should be the Father’s will be done? What happened to our volition? Aren’t we allow to choose the things we would like to do? The truth is, our volition doesn’t have anything to do with this. God’s will is always for our own good and this is why Jesus is saying “Thy will be done in earth, as [it is] in heaven”.

Matthew 18:18-19

v. 18 Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

v. 19 Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.

The thing that we are missing is that we are having our own way and not His way. We are too(over)serious on the things that we want(we do not want to be disturbed) Him to do for us but we do not know that He has a lot of better things for us.

God wants to know first His will. Jesus asked His disciples to join Him during the time they were busy with their everyday tasks. It has to be done this way, God’s way. Jesus has to take their attention away from what keep them busy. The same it has to happen today. For us to know God’s will, we have to have a time solely for Him.

It has to be God’s way first before ours. It might be inconvenient for us sometimes but then again if it is God’s will, it is always for our own good. This is why when we pray we have to agree that it has to be His way, His will, then and only then that it will be granted.

Father in heaven, it can never happen that our ways will be perfect. It has to be Your way. The way we live our lives can only result to a lot of miseries no matter hard we try. It should not be our way. Thank you for giving your Son Jesus, our only way to You. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.