
Scriptural Reading: Acts 17:23,1 Peter 1:16

We have to keep track on all the things that we do. We need to know things what comes next after the other whether if its from our job or a simple thing to do in our home sweet home(where Jesus also lives!) or even with our free time and for some who had a not so favorable result from an endeavor. This also goes with our spiritual lives.

‘Wassup’? I like the sound of this word but what really is meaningful about this is that it conveys a message completely with ease and comfort and making the message completely comprehended. Some of the responses that you will be having are ‘Nothing much, and you?’, ‘just hanging around’, ‘just chilling and snoozing’.

This word is not biblical of what we mean. Sup in the bible means to eat, but the sense of what we mean when we say sup is divine in its meaning. God wants us to know Him fully through revelation and He has to do it the easier way we can know and have it. Remember, revealing something from God is divine. God may not say a word like sup or wassup but He always make sure what He wants to get the message across to us with out any iota of doubt and that is why this is divine. It is always going to be perfectly clear and well defined to us, just like if someone tells us sup and we know exactly our response will be.

v.23 For as I passed by, and beheld your devotions, I found an altar with this inscription, TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, him declare I unto you.

Revelation is a requisite and indispensable for us to know Him more and His will for us. For some Christians today, they know God by their minds and mouth but not within. One thing for sure is that God would definitely reveal things to us only if we are willing to accept it. If we have no idea of how, then we will definitely go nowhere.

God is Omnipresence and therefore God resides in us. Yes, inside of us(See I Corinthians 6:19)and this is why we have no reason why we cannot communicate with God. He went through our spirit, soul and body. We can’t reach Him so He reached for us.

1 Peter 1:16

Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.

Jesus restored our relationship and communication back to our Father in heaven. Our Father is Holy and so is our Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit continue to convict us. This is the main reason we should be holy. It is impossible for us to inhabit a holy place if we remain and continue to be unholy. God is continually making efforts to communicate with us. We have to go through with sanctification and His instructions should be met every single second of our lives.

Becoming holy requires us with a lot of instructions to our Father in heaven and communication is an integral part of it. God will definitely tell us a lot of things for us to become holy and we with no other way but to accept His instructions and these instructions will come in any minute or any second in our lives. God knows what we need and therefore we should always come to the throne of His grace and communicate to Him. If someone asks you sup what would you say? Think about God. He might be telling us something! Sup?

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