The important picture

Scriptural Readings: John 14:17, John 9:39.

John 14:17

King James Version

[Even] the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.

New Living Translation

He is the Holy Spirit who leads into all truth. The world cannot receive Him because it is not looking for him and doesn’t recognize him. But you know him because he lives with you now and later will be in you.

A picture paints a thousand words, as the proverb says. Many of these old photos bring back nostalgic memories. We relive the past the more we see. As we turn back the hands of time, we see our mistakes, correct them, and learn from our experiences. Although useful they may be, these are human efforts, and they are deceptive.

Is there something hidden behind a photograph? The first few seconds of a video? Our wide variety of emotions will be stirred by what our eyes see, creating illusions and an unending list of thoughts running across our minds.

The fact remains that various things cloud our thoughts. Our minds readily agree with what our eyes tell us most often. It leaves our faith in God second in line, or the most shameful thing, left at the bottom, forgotten. We discover what is most meaningful in our spiritual lives when our faith endures trials. It will help us understand who God is. Time will always play its part in giving us the reality of this truth. God is faithful to His words so that we can know Him. And have a divine relationship with Him.

John 9:39

King James Version

And Jesus said, For judgment, I am come into this world, that they which see not might see; and that they which see might be made blind.

New Living Translation

Then Jesus told him, “I entered this world to render judgment—to give sight to the blind and to show those who think they see that they are blind.”

Now enters the actual picture: Jesus Christ, the son of the living God (John 3:16), came to live among us to bring us back to our heavenly Father. What did we do? Rejection! Having seen the image of God and fulfilled His promises, humankind is on solid ground to reject Him.

Experiences, whether positive or negative, are pictures of the road to repentance. One can believe that contrition is a revelation in its entireness, providing eternal and never-ending truth about our God. It is the unseen part of the picture that humanity refuses to acknowledge. We hold on to hope on the principle that seeing is believing. It is easier for us to be convinced if we see more. Our obsession with what we perceive entitles us to side with unbelievers practically without notice.

In contrast, we should expose ourselves radically to the light instead of concealing something in the dark. As we get closer to the light, the picture becomes unmistakable. We cannot hide from God under any circumstances. Contrariwise, God will show us divine things.

We live in a kaleidoscope world. There are a variety of multicoloured plans for destruction and evil schemes hidden in this realm. God is showing us a black-and-white picture. We are prisoners in a fallen world. And that we cannot have salvation apart from Him. As for the other part of the picture, He gave us His Son as our redeemer.

What picture are you seeing?

Our world today is a series of collections of old pictures of the future. Yes, the destiny of our future is nothing but seeing humanity living in misery without Jesus in our lives. Everything starts with repentance. It is imperative to acknowledge Jesus’ finished work on Mount Calvary. An obscene picture shows us the true nature of eternal life. Although God handles and runs each of our lives differently, He gives us a clear vision of hope, blessings, healing, and so forth. The picture of hell is crystal clear for those who do not accept Jesus Christ. It is an image of suffering and a never-ending moment of agony.